I came up with a list of guitar solos that I consider to be the best by each band THERE IS NO ORDER, THIS IS NOT A TOP # COUNTDOWN!!! Some bands only ever came [More]
In a world set in a dystopian-70’s-disco environment where players are pitted against each other in a battle to death for others entertainment, you as a player must adapt, survive and most important – Aim. [More]
This is a great weapon combo that can net you 1.5K in 2-3 hits depending on the player you are fighting!
Footage of Clinkin Casper and Cooley Pop on Soul Train. Students of the Electric Boogaloos and Jeffrey Daniels. Doing Popping and Electric Boogaloo style. Demonstrating the basic EB foundations of NeckoFlex, TwistoFlex, Walkouts, and MasterFlex, [More]
The Electric Boogaloos are a street dance crew responsible for the spread of popping and electric boogaloo. They were founded by Boogaloo Sam in Fresno, California in 1977. Their original name was the Electric Boogaloo [More]
First time ever seen “Moonwalk’ On TV in 79” Hi I’m Derek “Cooley” Jaxson Jeffrey Daniel , Geron Canidate and I Dance on a TV show in 1979 to MJ’s song “Working Day and Night”. [More]
This group of brothas are getting down with their bad self on Soul Train, 1980.
Electric Boogaloos BEFORE their Soul Train performance. This is a Golden video, Crazy high level solos by Boogaloo Sam and Popin Pete. Shabba Doo presented them in this performance. Historical video.
The Lockers (originally named The Campbell Lockers) were a dance group formed by Toni Basil and Don “Campbellock” Campbell in 1971. Active throughout the 1970s, they were pioneers of street dance. Don Campbell is the [More]