Electric Boogaloo: Michael Jackson aprendeu o “moonwalk” com eles! (1980)

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Ana Beatriz says:

Michael learned the moonwalk with street children

Wishbringer3 says:

An amazing time, when America was not full of FAT people.

iswhade says:


Kahlil El Rey says:

@flowrez thx a lot

Kahlil El Rey says:

ugh whats the name of the song I dont seei t nemore

ander.M Mauricio says:

Isso foi depois, do Michel Jackson pseudo inventar o Moonalker

Snoop30m3 says:

Boogaloos Sam é o Mestre!!!

kwaj401 says:

who are those guys?

Darslow says:

This is real dancing. Michael learned from the best.

Michael Jackson Cover says:

Primeiramente a modalidade que o Michael Jackson aprendeu foi “LOCKING” com
o grupo “The Locker’s na década de 70, nos anos 80 ele conheceu um
dançarino chamado “Jefrey Daniel’s” no qual ele ensinou o “BACK SLIDE”
passo que ele batizou como “MOONWALK”, o diferencial dele é além de
aprender as técnicas ele aperfeiçoava e executava melhor!

jay bug says:

Reminds me of You Got Serve the Movie with Markus houston and B2K.


vai ver q é por isso q ele ama tanto as crianças né pela dança por q eu tbm
danço e todas as crianças se amarram

Takhia Jackson says:

Hey! 1:38 is the jerk!

jcs7 says:


janetkissjanetkiss says:

@Pharreal4life NO, it’s the pindrop.

Whats That Productions says:

That what im talkin bout baby!! #LOL !! #LOL

Diegoh groove says:

qual o nome da musica ?

kobe brown says:

1:36 thats the pin drop

grosskopf2 says:

Mchael Jackson learned the ‘moonwalk” from Jeffrey Daniels who was a member
of the group Shalamar. The dance was called the’ backslide” before Michael
took it and made it famous. Jeffrey was doing it in the dance group the
Electric Boogalo at least a year before Motown 25, in which michael did the

Kahlil El Rey says:

its really called the black slide ;S

Snoop30m3 says:

@mjj1554 gosto e gosto mano! os caras praticamente inventaram essa dança e
rola ate hj! o sou fa do MJ mas ele nao inventou as esses passos ae!!!! se
ele e melhor pode ate ser mas os caras sao mestre na arte se vc entende um
poco de dança nao fale besteira!!!!

Takhia Jackson says:

@janetkissjanetkiss all I knw they do it whn they do the dance. Or its part
if it.

mjj1554 says:

Mikee e bem

Kami Folder says:

@InsaneGomes Michael said he learnt it from guetto’s children in some
interviews. With oprah in 1993 and in 2001 on”Living With Michael Jackson”

Kami Folder says:

Michael Jackson aprendeu o moonwalk com as crianças dos “guettos” e
aperfeiçoou o paço. MJ learn the moonwalk from the children living in the
“guettos” and he improved the dance step.

Deivid silva melo says:

isso ai é mentira esse video voi depoi do michael jackson fez o moowalk

Takhia Jackson says:

@janetkissjanetkiss ok.whtever.

scorpionJB says:

@yppcubber metaphorically he did, but he did not give the exact name of the
people he learned the move from

P Flores says:

@Blackjesus3 Up In Here by the Bar Kays

janetkissjanetkiss says:

@Pharreal4life They like to do it while they are jerking but it is not the
actual jerking dance.

Victor Gomes says:

@yppcubber shut the fuck up

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