Jeffrey Daniel, Casper Canidate and Cooley Jaxson / Jackson.wmv

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First time ever seen “Moonwalk’ On TV in 79”
Hi I’m Derek “Cooley” Jaxson Jeffrey Daniel , Geron Canidate and I Dance on a TV show in 1979 to MJ’s song “Working Day and Night”. His Manager called s. Train and they setup a Dance lesson from Casper and I. Later in 1983 he perform bille jean at Motown 25th Anniversary…. Check It Out.


Slaughda Radio LLC says:

Not the best quality but these are the guys who taught Michael Jackson the
World Famous “Moonwalk” Originally Called the “Back Slide” +verunn cheekock
#MichaelJackson #CasperCanidate #CooleyJaxson #JeffreyDaniels
#MoonWalk 1979

Troy McAllister says:

I stand corrected, it was 1979 when I saw this because I was a Freshman in
high school and Soul Train came on Saturday morning in So. Calf. I remember
going to house parties and clubs back in those days and never saw one
fight. A shooting was an aberration back in those days. Can’t say that
anymore. Black innocence was lost in the 80s and we never recovered.

Troy McAllister says:

Two of the cats from Santa Ana, Calif. Geron Canidate’s sister use to do my
curls back in the days. I believe Jaxson went on to dance on Solid Gold
later. I remember seeing this dance routine Saturday morning on Soul Train
back in the early 80s. If could pop, the ladies were

octoman511 says:

People make such a big deal about michael’s motown 25 moonwalk when this
was a million times better! and it came first!

Matt Walsh says:

Jeffrey Daniels showed Michael Jackson how to do it, yet Michael does it

StivDance says:

Yeah Funky ;-)

Falana Jerido says:

Jeffrey the best

stillphil says:


WorldTraveler says:

I love how they don’t feel like they have to dress like “thugs”, whatever
that means.

no1badufan says:

Thanks to an Atlanta based TV network called BOUNCE TV I am fortunate to
see rebroadcast of past episodes of Soul Train. Having been raised by my
grandparents in the 70’s, I was somewhat deprived of TV and much of the
soul r&b music. I have tried to make up for this over the years and
absolutely love music! Thank you and rest in peace Mr. Don Cornelius for
bringing to us and hosting this show exposing our African American culture
of soul music and live soul dance. The Soul Train dance line is classic!
As for this video I happen to have woken up to the sound of the song
“Working Day And Night” by the Jacksons and got to see this group by the
name of Eclipse perform a dance routine to it. Fantastic moves!! And yes, I
agree that the “moonwalk” was introduced to us here by them.
I mentioned earlier of being raised by my grandparents….. I wouldn’t want
to have been raised any other way because I turned of just fine by their
rearing. A BIG shout out to them for a job well done!!!!!

Sonny Sison says:

Hahaha…this is awesome! You might have been the first to show MJ the
Moonwalk but remember…I taught you how to be the White Ranger!

Uprising771 says:


2461lostworld says:

actually that was the backslide he taught Michael and then when Michael
did he renamed it the moonwalk. there is a dance called the moon walk
which is different than the backslide. i don’t know what year this aired
but he came back to soul train around 1981 and did another a version of the
backslide this time with Jody Watley. I was 19 when that one aired. a lot
of performers did versions of the movement before him but none of them had
the impact that Jeffrey had.

alpombre says:

Ahead of their time

1980Triumph says:

LOL, you are a complete moron. The moonwalk had been done since the 60’s
and 2:33 is not like any move in the Thriller video. Stop making shit up,
you sound stupid to all the people who know the truth.

Paul-n-Gail Warnick says:

All the commints I have seen about this is amazing… I went to high school
with Cooley Jaxson and all the hard work that he and the guys put into
this, no words can explain. I still talk to Cooley Jaxson til this day and
he still has the moves…

dkapone says:

Have’nt seen this in quite awhile. Simple perfection. Few, and I do mean
few groups can fuck with this shit here.

lemmingsbambi says:

2:28 some beat it moves there too….well ahead of their time these
guys…maximum respect!!

krizzex says:

The backslide is not the moonwalk

1980Triumph says:

Jeffrey is an amazing performer but it is clear that he didn’t invent the
moonwalk. It was taught to him. He also wasn’t the first person to go over
the move with MJ, one of the guys in this video was the first, MJ worked
with them all separately and Jeffrey WAS NOT THE FIRST. They all claim to
be first, even Michael Chambers claim he showed MJ the move. Michael worked
with a lot of people to see the different mechanics of the move but let’s
be real, it was out since the 50’s

spyderj1999 says:

Before it was termed “hip hop”, it was known as “street dancing”.

Peter Ballerino says:

The first time that the Moonwalk was on TV was in 1955, looking for: Billy
Bailey – The apollo theatre

scorpion21139 says:

they are the ones who tought michael jackson the backslide which he stole
and called the moonwalk

Shareef Ferrer says:

move from “beat it” 2:28

William Mann says:

They were some of the pioneers of today’s breakdancing/pop & lock style.
It’s awesome looking at dance culture history =D

Pete Refour says:

poppin & lockin started in L.A. as a street all street shit,it
evolves and moves around.each place adds its on touch.just like music,or

Militarymight101 says:

thank you Mr. Jackson. i loved this so much ive been looking for it for
months and it was great! no offense but i think you guys did it better than
michael himself 🙂

GeorgeHolt3 says:

I remember sitting awestruck with my cousin Dejuan watching this when it
first aired on that Saturday morning sooo long ago. Having just watched the
season finale of America’s Best Dance Crew last night, I realize what these
cats sparked with a 4 1/2 minute routine. True pioneers of a global

Le Kafe says:

Derek “Cooley” Jaxson you’re a legend…man the number of hours that I
wacthed this over and over back in the day everytime I see it I am blown
away at how simple but compelling it is…great to see it again

oddusee1 says:

keep these dudes away from ur girl

CiskyFCC says:

Hello, Cooley! I’m a hip hop dancer, and I love, love and love the old
school styles and the MJ Style too. You don’t really know how happy I am
now, seeing your video. This is the begin of a lot of things in the street
dance culture for the show business. You’re a pioneer! Thanks for what you
did for the dance I love. Respect!

LBJTV says:

too smooth..too smooth

Lonnie Adams says:

No disrespect, you and Jeffrey may have taught it to MJ and Bill Bailey may
have performed it at The Apollo in 1955 on tv, Jimmy Cagney did a moonwalk
in the 1937 film “Something to Sing About” and in 1933 Koko The Clown did
it in the Betty Boop cartoon “Snow-White”. Some credit Bill “Bojangles”
Robinson and “The Old Soft Shoe” tap style, fact is, it’s all been done,
different versions, different styles. Appreciate ALL the artist for
enlightening you lives and making you smile!

Militarymight101 says:

@marleymation its michael jacksons song workin day and night

Ron Welber says:

This performance has so many future MJ moves! Michael was inspired by these
young dancers, and they were inspired by Michael’s music (“Working Day And
Night”). That’s pretty amazing.

gsmusic2009 says:

I don’t care who did what first but it Takes a hard worker at ther craft
too make it it better or bring too front more than what people see.Theres
many legends of lots of things just like theres many people who you never
here of cause they didn’t want too be noticed so really up too the
individual too push too be who they are and what they doo I respect all who
made poppin,bogaloo,robot,wavin etc strong in the community Ive prop to
them all that my bottomline!!!!!

gsmusic2009 says:

No one can say Jefferey daniels Didnt have a hand n The moonwalk and even
some of the thriller moves 2:33 Thriller move before thriller and the real
Moonwalk astarting about 2:48 these cats were popping ,
bugalooing,backsliding, struting roboting Real West coast Ol school

Bob Billings says:

Certain robot moves they are doing here can be seen being done my Michael
on videos 5 years before this on dancing machine on tv first. Are we to say
then they these men copied Michael’s moves on that?

Dan Oregano says:

Even Justin Bieber watched this video clicked dislike!

1980Triumph says:

What influence, he wasn’t even the first one to bring it to the mainstream
in the 70’s. The move had been around since the 60’s, the boogaloos bought
it back in the 70’s and Jeffery copied off of them….what influence are
you speaking about?

Maurice Lu says:

Isn’t it pretty ironic how the first moonwalk was done along with a Michael
Jackson song? Pretty amazing if you ask me. =D

Jeffrey Adetola says:

still remember the buzz u guys created off of this, in Nigeria. 1. Also,
its amazing to watch over, again & again. Love how the background still had
movement while the main had the spot, genius. You guys were absolutely

1980Triumph says:

Bill Bailey did the moonwalk on TV first so I guess you can say they stole
it from Bill Bailey then, right?

gsmusic2009 says:

Ok here we go! I’m from the bayarea I was influenced by what I grew up on
regardless!!We had are on robot,poppin boogaloo,struttin or whatever you
wanna call it!! I’m preety sure you know that already!!! I watched soul
train just like everybody else did. I saw this particular show the day it
came on I was 10years old,Like I said!!! I saw it before from my dads
footage. as a whole I felt Jeff did his thing if you don’t think he worthy
thats your opinon but Don’t discount mine.

1980Triumph says:

You are fucking moron. The moonwalk was out before Jeffrey was born.
Jeffrey didn’t invent or bring it back out nor are any of the moves shown
here related to Thriller moves. You sound like a complete moron.

gsmusic2009 says:

When I saw this back n the day I was a kid already doing some of these
dances but these cats took it too another level Icouldnt beleive my eyes I
had too upgrade my skills quick!!!

FunkDoppler says:

(___/) (= ‘.’=) (”)__(”) Respect 🙂

king boogaloo tut says:

this is so funny to watch, but like it or not this shit is OG..keep tutin
on em cooley

laylakay says:

I remember thus and I remember you guys slammed it. HOT!!! I had to give
props where they are due!

gsmusic2009 says:

I said no one can’t say he didnt have part in it. Didnt say he made it up
my dad show me the ol school footage the moonwalk so i know it been around
forever but Jeff had some influnence on it and you should be so literal
about stuff its a comment fool!!!!!!!!!!!!! and nothin else but a comment

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