Daft Punk – Lose Yourself to Dance (Music Video)

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Daft Punk – Lose Yourself to Dance (ft.Pharrell Williams & Nile Rodgers).
This is a NOT official music video.

Check new video for ‘Get Lucky’ (album version of the song):

Official music video for ‘Lose Yourself to Dance’:

Lyrics (also in captions):
I know you don’t get a chance to take a break this often
I know your life is speeding and it isn’t stopping
Here, take my shirt and just go ahead and wipe up all the
Sweat, sweat, sweat

Lose yourself to dance


Lose yourself to dance (Come on)

Everybody’s dancing on the floor
Getting ready for more
Everybody on the floor
Yeah, come on




Nile Rogers interview
“Get Lucky” SNL Teaser
Flashdance (1983)
Soul Train Dance Line
Kickboxer (1989)
Michael Jackson – Smooth Criminal
Michalel Jackson – Bad
Spider Man 3 (2007)
Fatboy Slim – Weapon Of Choice
Radiohead – Lotus Flower
The Office (TV Series)
The Breakfast Club (1985)
Saturday Night Fever (1977)
Napoleon Dynamite (2004)
Pulp Fiction (1994)


Mster. Diabolo says:

Lucho sabe ingles (8) 

WTF!!! says:

ahhh 70’s! where black people are skinny and their hair are fluffy..

djeevs says:

Daft Punk – Get Lucky (Album Version Video)

Kathy Villanueva says:

Daft Punk – Lose Yourself to Dance (Music Video):
http://youtu.be/Z_Sf0gi-mGI Pharrell Williams!Friday’s Dance! Good day for

Veronika Alexandra says:

I end up here when things are good ,I def end up here when things are…
messed up,like right now,even cried today on n off n feel depression trying
to grab my as*,I needed to shift energies n moods and Im here! Im smiling
and Im gonna replay it til im dancing damn it! Lose yourself to dance! oh,a
vodka doesnt hurt ,Cheers!,keep grooving ; )

liegebeest geeft de geest says:

why did this link bring me here? i was told i got to pee in a cup!

therealgamingnerd101 says:

LOOOL I lost it at spiderman 3. Great compilation!!!!

Gloria Hernández Roman says:

Ah que lucho jaja que no es lucha? Y son dos jaja cuñadas
porcierto…..Jacob lucho con el A……..y nadamas ingle save?

xviiv says:

not terrible. but you know how I know youre white?

NOT ONE dance you show matches the rhythm of the music LOL drives my
mind insane.

sleepyScientist says:

come on come on come on cxOMNWE ON COME ON ON COME ON COME ON ON ON COME

chrisandtheinvisibleband says:

Cooler than cool….if anyone doesn’t get this they need a big kick in the
bollox err presuming you’re male lol….this is the best funk track I’ve
heard in years….apart from my own of course cough cough…but I’m a
nobody who’s gona listen to them???

Mani Khadija says:

2m15 Jean Claude Vandamme yesssss

bluestrapsify says:

Nothing new all the Guitar Rythms come from the style they used to do in

Ted Soto says:

Make the white people dance.

AL Paks says:

Daft Punk – Lose Yourself to Dance (Music Video):

Christian Vera says:


Jorge Flores says:

Anyone knows what movie is that dance from Van damed.

SCNDL3SS96 says:

fuck id love to be able to sit in their studio and just listen and see how
they come up with their sound :)

Adilkhan Khalimbetov says:

Second video where is african-american people, take from?

Pauloo F says:

que lombra

jordan strang says:

the beginning is just so mesmerizing…… hope daft punk don’t change 

Daniel tarquino says:

violento bacanoi perfect video

pancal mubal says:

1:10 anyone know the title of this movie?

Fonzie J says:

No doubt makes you wanna dance

jose gonzalez says:

puta que buen video … 

María Fernández says:

minuto 3:48 como se llama el que sale bailando

Nathan Van Ek says:

not sure why but this video is amazing.

C861986 says:

3:37 so THATS where I get my moves from!

Marcus Vinícius Rodrigues says:

MJ… The king.
Thanks, sir.

Paulo Restaurador says:

Lose Yourself to Dance, O balanço da música negra contagiando todas as
raças, Demaisss.


That is really cool.
Plus it gave me a great idea for a special video. for my open mic channel.
Jax my boy…
Get ready to sparkle.


“You just suck the dicks!”

Jesús Lego says:

Lucho sabe ingles 

vonversace says:

neil, living legend. respect.

Javi Sm says:

Buah, qué wapo!

bouzar bouzar says:

Daft Punk – Lose Yourself to Dance (Music Video) :

leavingthebody says:

3:03 I didn’t remember that, lol

M4sterGame says:

I’love daft puck 

Alfa Bravo says:

wow thats cool, thats cool. jajajajajaja

Jeffrey Mixon says:

This gem of a music video contains dancing legends of our time such as
Tobey Maguire, Christopher Walden, Steve Carell, Jon Heder, and John
Travolta. There is no equal.

sef829 says:

Keep bringing back the disco!

Rod Camargo says:

just lose it!

Tyler Kezer says:

this is one of those times where the music video is not better then the

Carlos González Guevara says:

It was such a great video. It should be the official one

CrissFercho Padilla Fdz says:

no entiendo por que hacen videos plagios imitando al original. es que que
pasa con lso originales?? acaso hay demanda por quien muestre la version
original o es la pura maricada de la gente de mostrar lo que se le da la
puta gana???

John Franks says:

What’s not to like!!!

Dana Jepson says:

What an AWESOME video!!!

aumotion says:

Sorry, but i stopped watching at the first non-daft punk related movie clip
when i saw Flashdance being just totally out sync with the rhythm : to me,
this fan-made MV is hurting both the music & videos :(

Heloy Ribeiro says:

Eles são um Show…

You Toob says:

Pharrell Williams, Nile Rodgers, and Daft Punk are the Fantastic Four.
Hope they continue their alliance.

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