Afro Sheen Commercial (Featuring Frederick Douglass)

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1970s Afro Sheen Commercial featuring the ghost of Frederick Douglass lecturing a guy about his horrible hair, as well as Black History. Great Afro + Black History…. Who could ask for anything more?


Lamontriano Cox says:

lol @ “That’s a Mess” lol.. Frederick Douglass CTFU on his time lol

R Bee says:

LOL At Frederick Douglass being ahead of his time with “Your head looks a

NgaiOlaudah says:


TheTrusouldj says:

That’s the guy that ran against “Alderman Davis” on “Good Times” and
wouldn’t play the dozens.

MrSolo Rager says:
Manu Ginobilis Bald Spot says:

I’m pretty sure this guy is a bootstraps Republican now…

Dick JonesOCP says:

vintage american cheese

apachette07 says:

I remember that young actor from Good Times. When he ran against Alderman
Fred Davis. This might have been stated before, but alas.

Melinda Brown says:

My dad still uses Afro sheen in the brown bottle

Justin Lott says:

Douglass would NOT peddle Afro Sheen. Juices and berries, perhaps.

funkmike says:

This is why the north won the Civil War, for this moment.

Justin Lott says:

Awww hell nah!!!

angelinajoanie says:

The ghost of Frederick Douglass….argh so wrong.

Tbond96 says:

Frederick Douglass, always sharing his wisdom.

Kuahmel says:

Thumbs us if that PBS show The African-Americans brought you here.

swagg boss says:


John B says:

i cant help but love this

mimi123b says:

Lol “we wear the natural look now”

misspotential says:

@brnleague99 Its on right now I had to see this LOL

Mencken Graham says:

I miss the Jerry curl.

Richie West says:

@EuclidianProposition Frederick Douglass shouldn’t even be mentioned in the
same sentence as Abraham Lincoln.

SteadyReady says:

LMAO @djseriousbizness

Jonathan Watanabe says:

What would Mr. Douglas say???

Muur Kush says:


Jm Brown says:

u dum az hell

MrBjanders says:

That hair looked awesome before he put all those toxic chemicals in it.

Sherrodzilla says:

Oh, man! Frederick Douglass ain’t trying to have young brothers with no
busted fros! Now if we could only resurrect Harriet Tubman to pimp Sulfur 8.

J Chot says:

Frederick Douglass is cool as shit, but honestly george washington carver
shoulda been there.

PSdissenter says:

@brnleague99 Lol, I saw that just yesterday!

tom11zz884 says:

“You call that a natural, that’s a mess”…lol Classic stuff by the Great

honeegrrl says:

2 people did not have soul and can’t wear an afro because they’re hair is
too thin, lol.

FreekyDeeky21 says:

I like my hair long and think. I have briads now but when I wore an afro, I
made sure it was always kept up. Afro Sheen will save your life and get you
some. LOL!!!

Julez Rulez says:

What a cheesy commercial! Hahahhahahhhhahhaa

Sara Nichols says:

Wow, that is really werid

TheTokyo89 says:

Wow lol

Jay Cromwell says:

wooooow…..I’m not sure how I feel about this

tom11zz884 says:

The young black dude in that commercial was one handsome looking dude.

herFLYness79 says:

yes GAWWWWD HUNNIE! he bettah get that fro TO.GEH.THAHHHH loll

tmat2014 says:

True, but cynicism and taking things lightly has clouded their judgement.

Nortekman says:

Deon brought me here

Majak Majakk says:

we should all start dressing like this again

Mothra says:

Holy shit.

guitarbeast651 says:


Otis Thelonius says:

Classic Nostalgia

mars112m says:

Same here, lol

JasonL77 says:

I saw a special about “Soul Train” on VH1 & they were interviewing
?uestlove from “The Roots” & he said that to this day, he uses Afro Sheen
because of this commercial. His exact words were “Frederick Douglass only
had to tell me once.” Thinking about that always makes me laugh.

Micky460 says:


Malcolm West says:

?uestlove said he would take care of his afro so frederick douglas wouldn’t
come after him. Nice

geechi71 says:

This has to be the BEST Afro Sheen Commercial ever!!!

Tony Williams says:

Reminds me of that movie “A Beautiful Mind” talking to a person that’s not
really there

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