’89 Bobby Brown on Soul Train Awards (HD)

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Deba Dakaj says:

The Whitney Movie brought me here :)

KHfilmproductions says:

So that girl was supposed to be Dionne Warwick 

Patrick Black says:

I was there in the balcony :))
My friend worked at Tower records and got free tickets . We drove from San
Jose to LA over night , I had to change clothes in the bathroom at the gas
station because we only had money to get back home and those tickets !! I
will Never forget those times :)) I was 20 years old & FEARLESS !!!!!
Those Were the DAYS !!!!!
And yes Whitney was Booed Badly :((((. We just wasn’t in to that Clive
music back then … Whitney’s first album Yes .. But the second one which
was out at the time … Not until it was played in rotation on MTV did the
black audience get in to it Because of Greatest love of All video .. My
opinion :))) 

LaShonda Jones says:

So this is the performance that made Whitney fall in love with Bobby Brown?

Sparkle Wilson says:

I was trying to find Whitney in the audience lol

David Richardson says:

Just recreated this scene perfectly in #Whitney

deekydan says:

Bobby was a dancing ass back then! lol

antij1 says:

So it was this performance that first made Whitney take notice of Bobby,


Yes, continue your research youngins…

Jakena Riddick says:

Bobby shut that shit down he had whitney thirst after this shit

siaty1 says:

This is the real performance…the perfomance from whitney was stupid 

renee xuereb says:

When The Soul Train Music Awards were watchable!

Natasha Evans says:

i came here to see if they’d show whitneys facial expression like they did
in the movie

J. Jewell says:

Well then.lol I had no idea Bobby Brown was boss in another life. 

NOLA soulchild says:

Had they named the movie “Whitney & Bobby”, it probably could’ve took on
another meaning, but since it was advertised as a Whitney Houston movie, it
was not well received.

I always personally thought the same, as projected in the movie…Bobby was
doing just fine personally & professionally before her, was dragged down
with his union with her, and got himself together after her…So, what was
the common dominator, Whitney Houston & her advisors, and her drug use.
Once he rid himself of her & her issues, he got himself together, she on
the other hand continued on that path, which ultimately killed her.

She’s still one of the greatest to ever do it, but a very unfortunate end
RIP Whitney Houston

thequeenlotus126 says:

That actor didn’t have Bobby’s swag……

Judy Payne says:

Whitney movie brought me here good movie but the song he sang was every
little step

Cynthia Harris says:

I remember seeing this performance back in the day and I swear to you I
said to myself “wouldn’t it be funny if somebody like Whitney Houston would
date somebody like Bobby Brown”,because at the time I thought they were
completely opposite.

H MC says:

This shows how terrible the guy playing him in the whitney movie was.

musiclover2256 says:

It’s so sad to see comments from people blaming whitney for Bobby’s
problems and blaming Bobby for Whitney’s problems. They were both grown
adults!! They made stupid decisions sometimes. To say bobby was fine until
whitney came along is bs. Bobby Brown was notorious for his questionable
choices. He lies an cheats. He even lied about being clear from drugs in
his resent interview! I believe they did love each other, but in the end
Bobbi Kristina is the only good thing that came out of that marriage. 

Icherel Toney says:

Bobby can dance his ass off!

Jennie Baez says:

According to the movie this is where Whitney Houston met Bobby Brown and
the rest is history.

gramnet says:

I had to come refresh my memory of this performance and see who presenter
was. I was watching #Whitney movie. I forgot how hard Bobby used to dance.
. Anybody else confused why the movie played this song when He really
song my prerogative.

elijawah brown says:

That movie #Whitney suck! They should tell the story of how Clive recruited
in the beginning of the story, then the story should talk
about how Bobby met Whitney, then the story
should talk about how Whitney divorced bobby, and
then the story should talk about how Whitney turned her life around as a
singer in the end.

S Maharaj says:

Watts the name of that song?

Diamonte Oliver says:

The Whitney Movie brought me here too……. #R.I.P #WhitneyHouston

Tyonna Stewart says:

I loved the movie

mexia23 says:

Nigga caught Whitney eye Salute Lol

Ericka Ivory says:

Where it all started…

mimortal says:

who else came over after watching #whitney 

Sharee says:

I can see y Whitney fell for Bobby.. He was charming and sweet… I loved
me some Bobby.. U can tell Bobby loved Whitney. (They were addicted to each
othr.) & The guy who played Bobby did an awesome job.. So did YaYa. They
honestly should hv shown how Whitney began with cocaine.. (Instead of the
sneak pass at her bday party) Before Bobby got with Whitney, he was
successful. They should hv remained friends. Toxic relationship. I am glad
Angela Bassett wasnt afraid to reveal the “ugly” truth.. I think we all can
agree the movie should hv been titled, “Bobby & Whitney, a Love Story”.
Deborah Cox sang the h3ll out of those songs!!! 

Soso Koba says:

one of my last living heroes.
fuck ALL y’all bitches

Natalie H says:

Whitney Houston movie brought me here 

Tyisha Hudson says:

Clearly we were all thinking about the Whitney movie lol lol lol

LyriC' B. says:

I hope to have this same energy every time I perform

Dominique Raquel says:

Whitney movie brought me hear

sweetjune2010 says:

Same here.. I wanted to see the real Bobby brown performance

goldy star says:

Whitney Huston , is a course in disqiues in Bobbys life. The sky would have
been that guys limit had he not met her.

Louis Co says:

Heart & Soul in the background did they thing…

Ashlyn Benta says:

He was so sexy and had mad swag, what girl wouldn’t fall for him???

thequeenlotus126 says:

+H MC exactly

kezren89 says:

Awful performance 

Tammy Watts says:

This guy is awesome !!!

dmac Tyler says:

Whatever world you believe he was the bigger star or her career flip
flopped after marriage to him or he has beaten his addictions in you go
right ahead.

Aisha Reed says:


Nowriters Blockhere says:

He sang Every little step in the movie. Dance moves were the same

deb310red says:

It seems that Bobby was totally flirting with Whitney during his
performance. Did Whitney also sing at this night’s awards show? 

thequeenlotus126 says:

Prior to Whitney, Bobby had affairs with Janet Jackson and Karyn
White….quiet as kept

Tiffany Walker says:

Incredible! I have always been a fan. Love you Bobby

goldy star says:

Is just a pity people thought ,Bobby brown destroyed Whitneys life ,where
as in the real sence of it all, is Whitney Houston that actually destroyed
Bobby browns life.Yes Bobby was doing his stuff on marijuana level
only,until he met with Whitney, who introduce him to a powerful drug,
COCAINE.and all type of drugs too.that made him lose consentration in

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